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Parking Information


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Getting to the Airport

Parking Booking

Pick-up & Drop-off

Yes, if the desired car park/parking product is still available, you can change your booking under “Manage booking”. The new price will be displayed. A re-booking is possible up to 48 hours (temporarily reduced to 6 hours) before the initial reserved car park entry date and time.
We have sent you an invoice in PDF format directly with the booking confirmation.
Cancellation is possible up to 48 hours (temporarily reduced to 6 hours) before the date and time of reserved car park entry. A processing fee of €10 will be charged. After successful cancellation, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail.
Visit our website It’s as simple as that:
This depends on the specific product. You can book a parking space up to 6 to 24 hours before the start of the park-time and up to 12 months in advance.
If you have booked your parking space with LuxairTours, please contact LuxairTours directly if you have any queries or problems. The best way to contact LuxairTours is via the website:
You can find parking M at :
Latitude : 49°37'21.4"N
Longitude : 6°11'31.0"E
Address : rue de Trèves L-2632 Findel (in front of Cité policière Grand-Duc Henri)
Click here to use Google Maps to navigate to the parking M.
The height clearance of the underground car park is 2.20 m. Camper vans: If you are driving a camper van, we kindly ask you to use the outdoor car parks F or G. You can access them by taking the co-generation plant exit at the roundabout leading to the airport. The car park is on your right. Click here to view Luxembourg Airports parking rates. Motorcycle: Luxembourg airport does not have a closed parking facility exclusively for motorcycles. Nevertheless, you can leave your motorcycle in the underground car park, on Level -1. Parking space is subject to availability. To enter the parking facility, all you have to do is stand in the middle, in front of the car park barrier. withdraw your ticket and wait for the green button on the terminal to flash. Should you have any problems, kindly call the parking checkout from the terminal. LPG car: We regret to inform you that for security reasons, access to the underground car park with an LPG vehicle is prohibited. We kindly ask you to use the outdoor car parks E, F, G or M. Click here to view parking rates.
The maximum time limit for parking a vehicle at Luxembourg Airport is 6 months. Should a customer exceed this time limit, their vehicle will be considered abandoned (conforming to article 10 of the modified law of 14 April 1955). Legal proceedings will be initiated to dispose of this vehicle. Handling fees will be chargeable to the owner of the vehicle in addition to outstanding parking fees.
Your parking space booking is valid from the reserved date/time of entry to the booked date of exit.
You do not need your booking number, only the QR code is required for entry.
Contact us at [email protected] or on +352 2464 4040 and we will resend the booking confirmation to your e-mail address. At the entrance of the booked parking lot, press the call button.
Please contact our customer service center on +352 2464 4040 or via e-mail [email protected] with your booking ID or full name.
You can find all the information you need concerning parking prices here.
Oui, si le parking ou l’emplacement souhaité est toujours disponible, vous pouvez modifier ou effectuer votre réservation en cliquant sur « Gérer ma réservation ». Le nouveau prix s’affichera. Une nouvelle réservation est possible jusqu'à 48 heures (délai temporairement réduit à 6 heures) avant la date et l'heure d'entrée au parking réservé.
Cela dépend de la solution de parking envisagée. Vous pouvez réserver une place de parking jusqu'à un minimum de 6 à 24 heures avant le début de la période de stationnement et au maximum 12 mois à l'avance.
L’annulation est possible jusqu’à 48 heures (délai temporairement réduit à 6 heures) avant la date et l’heure de l’entrée au parking réservé. Des frais de dossier de 10 € vous seront facturés. Une fois l'annulation effectuée, vous recevrez une confirmation par courriel.
Ihre Parkplatzreservierung gilt ab dem reservierten Einfahrtszeitpunkt bis zum gebuchten Ausfahrtsdatum.